Devrai Art Village and the Dhokra of Mohenjo Daro

Nestled amongst flowers, trees and the low call of birds, on a gently sloping hill, is an old Ficus tree, with branches that almost touch the ground around creating a natural grove. It is in the natural cave of the old tree that the concept of the Devrai Art Village was born, a space and…

Scenes from the Road

India in the monsoons is beautiful almost everywhere, as the earth explodes to life and lush fields of green carpet the countryside. We have enjoyed the journey on trains and buses, as we chased the monsoon through South India last year, but there is a distinct added pleasure when doing it by car, on your own time at your own pace….

Celebrating India

On the occasion of Indian Independence, we have compiled a series of images that represent and celebrate the country. Full of diversity in its people, history, heritage, food, language, religion and culture, India is a mystifying amalgamation and an amazing place where so much diversity that been absorbed and assimilated into what defines the country….

Of Sugarcane fields & Spinach papads

One of the reasons roadtrips (in the little blue car) are our preferred method of  exploring the country is the freedom and flexibility it gives you to move along at your own place, stop where you want, take random, unplanned detours and really see and experience the countryside. So when we set out on our…

Maharashtra Monsoons!

From the Sahyadri Mountains to the Malvan coast, roadtripping through Maharashtra in the rains. Check out the map here.

The Hawker on the Train

Travel in India is best done by train, especially if you are on a budget. There is no better way to cover large distances and train travel in India is fairly comfortable, reasonably reliable and usually entertaining. A big part of the whole train experience is all the snacking that happens on board and no train journey…

9 Beautiful Doorways that will take you back in time

For as long as we can remember, doors and windows have always held a strange fascination for both of us. Something we discovered about each other early on. To us, they were always things of great beauty and mystery. Often times as you walked down a street, be it in an old city in India,…

In Search of the Devi – A Year On

A year ago we embarked on a journey that many were baffled by. Sometimes, ourselves included! Without much warning we had quit our secure jobs, with a detriment to our careers or so many thought, and decided to pack backpacks and get on a train to discover India. We thought we’d cover a decent amount…